Country: Kyrgyzstan
Closing date: 05 Dec 2017
Bridging the Gaps is looking for a learning professional to facilitate a three days Learning Institute. The learning facilitator will link and coordinate the different sessions and facilitate the learning process (transforming knowledge into action). Our preference goes to a learning expert/facilitator who is based in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, with experience working with key population communities.
1.The Facilitator’s Job
The facilitator must have the ability to:
· Facilitate the learning process using action learning methods;
· Assist in developing the sessions and leading the presenters towards a learning space to achieve clarity on the lessons that will be shared, dynamics and learning tools.
· Coach participants through their learning process;
· Moderate working groups and plenary discussions;
· Build up a learning programme.
The facilitator will also lead the production of a final document during the Learning Institute translating the presented practices into action.
2. About the Bridging the Gaps programme
Our vision:
We envision a society where sex workers, LGBT people and people who use drugs, including those living with HIV, are empowered and have their human rights fully respected.
Our Mission:
To contribute to the end of the AIDS epidemic among key populations, we work to achieve universal access to HIV/STI prevention, treatment, care and support for sex workers, LGBT people and people who use drugs. We work in an alliance with 9 partners: COC, MSMGF, Mainline, AFEW International, Aidsfonds, GNP+,ITPC, INPUD& NSWP.
Please visit our website for more information.
3. About the Bridging the Gaps Learning Institute
The Bridging the Gaps Learning Institute is a learning platform that aims to strengthen SRHR and HIV related interventions through a three day capacity building workshop involving 26 participants from various key population-led and serving organizations and networks. This year’s Learning Institute will focus on the annual theme “**Building resilient movements**”.
The objective of the Learning Institute is to improve interventions and build capacity to implement evidence-based programmes. This will be facilitated by:
· Transforming the knowledge gained at the Learning Institute into concrete action.
· Inspiring strong partnerships and collaboration within and across key population projects.
· Sharing lessons learned and best practices in and across projects and partners.
· Developing an action plan or any other path to apply the gained knowledge into action, in cooperation with the organization the participant is working with.
4. About the Learning Institute Theme
The 2018 Learning Institute theme “**Building resilient movements**” revolves around the question:
How do key population communities, their organisations and networks, and organizations working in solidarity with and providing services for key populations, sustain the work they do in an increasingly challenging environment?
Movements need to adapt to changing contexts, by building the capacities, networks and strategies that will enable them to be sustainable in their work, to secure past gains, and to continue making progress for human rights and access to health care. This may lead to new strategies and ways of working, such as building alliances, shifting focus, mobilising and engaging communities in different ways, and finding new means of mobilising resources including from new sources.
The Learning Institute 2018 will provide a space to share experiences of surviving despite political, social and financial challenges, from various country contexts and across key populations. It will gather examples of how organisations and movements – confronted by shrinking civil society space and/or disappearing (financial) resources – are continuing to ensure that sex workers, LGBT people and people who use drugs, including those living with HIV, can access prevention, treatment, care and support services, and enjoy their human rights.
5. The Learning Institute Participants
The Bridging the Gaps programme will select 26 participants. The call for scholarships will be shared with local and regional partner organisations working with our alliance partners.
The participants will share:
· A description of what their organization or network currently does to make the work in the communities resilient and sustainable in the future (including examples).
· Their learning needs regarding community empowerment or meaningful involvement of key populations, and how they will use the new knowledge and capacities in their organisation’s current work on community empowerment or meaningful involvement of key populations.
· An indication on how they could facilitate a session during the Bridging the Gaps Learning Institute related to the annual theme.
We encourage both English and non-English speakers to apply. We will strive for a gender, key population, KPLHIV and geographic balance amongst the selected applicants. In addition, we will ensure that the selected applicants will represent a diversity of approaches, expertise and types of organizations. All relevant applications will be reviewed by an action team consisting of representatives of Aidsfonds (lead agency), AFEW International, COC and NSWP.
How to apply:
Candidates that are interested in the role of Learning Facilitator should send their CV & motivation letter highlighting their experience as learning facilitator to Ms. Rajae El Baghdadi ( before 5 December 2017. The motivation letter should include the daily fee and a proposed method(s) for facilitating learning during the Bridging the Gaps Learning Institute. Interviews will take place between 11 - 15 December 2017 via teleconferencing.