Country: Mauritania
Closing date: 10 Dec 2018
Save the Children is an independent global organization working on behalf of children.
WE ARE the world's leading independent organization for children. We work in over 120 countries working towards defending the rights of children, and helping them develop their full potential.
OUR VISION is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.
OUR MISSION is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
Develop MEAL plans/IPTTs where needed, This is likely to include finalising MEAL plans and IPTTs for grants, providing broader support to the MEAL staff in overseeing and quality assuring the timely and comprehensive development and implementation of MEAL plans and IPTTs across all awards.
Create & Share IPTTs with SMT on a bi-weekly basis and lead on any necessary follow up
Create & Share IPTTs with sector teams on a monthly basis and support sector-level teams with any necessary follow up
Support sector teams to improve the quality of response activities
Proposal development and Reporting:
Leading the MEAL team’s contribution to proposal development and awards reporting, with oversight from the MEAL Advisor.
For proposals, this is likely to include:
- A proposal to ECHO due on January 2019
- A proposal to FFP & DEVCO- TBD
For reports, this is likely to include the following:
- Baseline ECHO
- Endline FFP
- Endline OFDA
- Endline ECHO in January 2019
- PDM1 and PDM2 ECHO
PDMs OFDA (Wash, seeds, and goats)
MEAL team management and capacity building:
Design the MEAL team and workplans.
Deliver training and on the job coaching in line with the existing MEAL team capacity plan, emerging needs within the team and the expertise of the candidate
Other potential tasks, to be assigned if needed:
Finalisation of the Targetting process for new projects, including data analysis and developing key findings and recommendations
General: Comply with and promote Save the Children policies and practice with respect to child protection, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
TIMEFRAME: 4 months, starting January 2019
How to apply:
Esta consultoría consiste en el apoyo al Unidad MEAL de la oficina de país de Save the Children en Mauritania.
La duración será de 4 meses, comenzando en enero 2019.
Enviar CV y carta de presentación en francés hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2018 aquí.